Korean Wedding Traditions

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In the past, matchmakers would arrange brides and grooms depending on their education level, social status, and lineage. If the new bride and groom’s families accredited of this understanding, they would consequently send a wedding proposal towards the other party’s family, who could approve or deny it. In the event the bride and groom had been approved, they would then exchange gifts during a ceremony with the bride’s home known as pye-baek. This included chestnuts and dates, which represented children, as well as a special wine that the bride’s mother poured in a gourd. The bride and groom might then drink the wine and bow for their parents, as a way of demonstrating respect for each other and their father and mother.

Days before the wedding ceremony, the groom on it’s own or along with his friends brings gifts towards the bride’s father and mother. These presents are placed in a box known as hahm, as well as the parents are not able to wide open the hahm until they treat the gift giver. These presents is often very expensive, including money and jewelry. In past times, this was a method to demonstrate the value of the parent-child relationship and have absolutely the bride’s home that the son or daughter is usually marrying well. Today, this ceremony is sometimes incorporated into the Paebaek or perhaps takes place during the reception following your couple’s friends have completed their desserts.

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