Loving Date Night Ideas

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Your time night stargazing. A high level00 pair of space nerds, this is a perfect date for you. Check out the High Path and look through the telescopes for a unique view of the moon and constellations.

https://media.istockphoto.com/id/130407097/photo/paparazzi-taking-pictures-of-celebrity-on-red-carpet.jpg?b=1&s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=IMrjAcgVyGb5SzK-MCKphSVluU_Ir1iy7JdTKKvW9d4= Visit the Coney Isle boardwalk and enjoyment park. You can ride painting tool coasters, consume organic cotton candy and get your photo taken in the photo presentation area. Or, for anybody who is feeling adventurous, you can attempt a haunted property or ghosting tour.

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