Healthful Relationships

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This natural reciprocity is not to ever be confused with harmful “taking advantage” behaviors, such as “keeping score” by keeping track of how oftentimes you’ve been given a thing versus how often you’ve wanted to do something. Rather, this healthy and balanced reciprocity must be based on real concern designed for the different person’s requires and a desire to uplift them in a positive way.

The two people in the relationship understand each other’s boundaries and respect each other’s privateness and space. They communicate clearly and empathetically, especially when talking about sensitive problems. They have sincere conversations that are free from personal scratches and are competent to discuss their particular differences about important concerns such as faith, politics, or career goals.

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Healthy communication involves playing the other person with an open mind and understanding that different opinions are definitely not necessarily right or wrong. It also means being able to skimp and concerned when struggle arises, so long as both parties can easily find methods to meet all their common goals. Additionally, it requires currently being dependable. As you say you will do something, you follow through. This applies to both big and small factors, such as planning for a date or perhaps taking the nonsense out.

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